Kindly enquire with us by providing the following: Name of Preschool / Childcare: Address of Preschool / Childcare: Number of Pax: Pick Up / Drop off Location(s): Pick up timings: One way or Two ways Email Address: Contact Number:
Each business has its own set of exposures that may derail its operations. With this Insurance Package specially tailored for Assets members, get a peace of mind with an all rounded coverage for your business at exclusive rates.
Kindly enquire with us by providing the following: Name of Preschool / Childcare: Address of Preschool / Childcare: Number of Pax: Pick Up / Drop off Location(s): Pick up timings: One way or Two ways Email Address: Contact Number:
Kindly enquire with us by providing the following: Name of Preschool / Childcare: Address of Preschool / Childcare: Number of Pax: Pick Up / Drop off Location(s): Pick up timings: One way or Two ways Email Address: Contact Number:
Be protected from major emergencies, as well as offering assurance against common travel inconveniences. We offer competitive rates for individuals and groups.